

Hear what past students have to say about some of our most popular courses!

I love this video testimonial from Yuyi Morales so much, I had to include it! Yuyi is from before the Picture Book Academy, which became the Children's Book Academy and remains a friend.

 Yuyi is also one of the brilliant contributors to The Craft and Business of Writing Picture Books, in which she shares how she went about writing her award winning book, Just a Minute,. Yuyi is also a Caldecott winner among MANY other awards!

Exquisite former student AJ. Sass gave this lovely testimonial when he came to visit. Andrew has now published many beautiful and award-winning middle grade novels and picture books, which make a huge difference in LGBTQ youth lives and beyond.


I adore Donna Barba Higuera and you would too if you knew her. This testimonial is from before she became a Newbery winning rockstar (which I always knew she would). It's a lovely testimonial, for which I am grateful.

And then there's this sweet compilation from years ago with many of these students now published. 


Below are some course-specific testimonials from over the years at the Children's Book Academy. ​It was incredibly hard editing these down. Apologies if some are a bit long.

The Craft and Business of Writing Children's Picture Books

The Craft and Business of Writing Children's Books... is one of the loveliest and most intimate writing intensives I’ve ever been a part of. From day one of the workshop, you’ll come away with a new respect for picture books and the writers and illustrators who bring them to life. The teachers are as funny and down-to-earth as they are professional. They are also extremely generous toward aspiring writers, going out of their way to nourish and encourage. Even with several educational books and a picture book (2015) under my belt, [they] showed me just how much there is to learn about picture books….Next stop: Chapter Books!

- Rita Lorraine Hubbard - now multi-published

Having taken the Craft and Business of Writing Children's Course hosted by the Children's Book Academy, I can't say enough about it. There is so much information here, but there is also inspiration and support.  The community that Mira has built up around this course is incredible, and something that I know I will carry with me as I continue on this journey.  The course has given me the tools I need to craft a publishable story, and the confidence to take the next step.  If you're considering signing up for a course with the Children’s Book Academy, you should absolutely do it! You won't regret it!

- Lauren Soloy - now multi-published.

I don't think I've ever been so creatively stretched before.... Equal parts insightful and interesting, creative and constructive, helpful and hilarious, Dr. Mira Reisberg, Rosie Ahmed, Harriet Low & a HOST of other amazing guest speakers from the publishing industry have built such an amazing learning experience for their students. From lessons and assignments that help us transform our ideas into submission-ready picture books, to expert advice on publishing pitfalls and regular feedback from our teachers and peers to challenge and inspire, students have the benefit of full support and access to fantastic material to help us hone our craft. As one of the recipients of the 2021 Yuyi Morales Scholarship, I can't express how grateful I am for this opportunity to be a part of this wonderful course. Thank you so much, Mira! Xx

Kimberly Lee – now published.

I am getting so much out of this course and am so impressed both with the excellent content and with how many opportunities there are to connect with people. I’m getting a lot out of the office hours and webinar and from interactions with my fabulous critique group. Love the recorded interview too! Thanks very much Mira!

- Liz Reimer 

Dr. Mira Reisberg, Rosie Ahmed and Harriet Low are worth their combined weight in platinum and precious stones, but when you add in the reading materials, hands-on instructional webinars, live feedback, expert critiques, targeted homework assignments, inspiring videos, informational interviews, book deconstructions, web resources, peer to peer sharing, peer critique groups, and all of that offered with the freedom of online learning? CBA is the Olympics of Children's Lit training. 

- Holly Vagley 

I do not know where to start with describing how grateful I am to have met Mira. She's the most warm and encouraging person I've ever met. She has helped me improve in so many areas in writing through her wonderful courses. Writing and publishing can become a lonely and confusing journey, but Mira has guided me to stay on the right path. 

- Katie Koo

This course is jam-packed with inspiration and information. I can already tell that my PB writing skills have developed! Also, the community is fabulous and phenomenally supportive. Community along with all the aspects of this very well planned course, make this experience special and unique. 

- Gloria Muñoz 

This course is powerful.  Humble, yet so inspiring, supportive, and thought provoking. Very well planned out. And well put from Katrina Martin, "being able to dip in and out when I have time and to return again and again to the material to deepen my understanding. "

- Jen Hibbs 

I am really appreciating the real-world expertise of the industry experts who answer questions and give critiques and input. They are answering more than I even knew I needed to know! I find the lessons are well said and applicable. I was worried to spend so much for an online course, but I am finding this enlightening, worthwhile, and inspiring. Thank you!

- Meagan Dekker 

What I love about this class is how clear and thoughtful Mira/Charlotte/Frances are about what works in a MS and WHY as well as why it does not work. Your feedback is so helpful and while you may be critiquing elements of a specific MS, the feedback is often universal and has helped me within my own editing process. I also love the depth of resources and information available in this course.

- ​Trenise Ferreira 

The depth of knowledge and expertise that we have access to in the course are astounding. I appreciate how the platform is designed in a manner so that we can learn & grow individually and collectively. Solutions to problems are just a scroll away!.... This course has completely changed the way in which I approach revisions. I'm much more intentional & as a result, I'm more inspired to keep writing. Thank you!

- Andrea Petifer 

I am loving learning what agents and editors look for in a story and why or why not they would consider taking it on. This was always a mystery to me. Thank you for everyone’s input, feedback and advice!

- Sandra Herrgott 

I am LOVING the course!
 There is a lot to take in but it’s organised in a way in which you can dip in and out, and revise and revisit units to suit yourself which is perfect. I also love the daily homework tasks which are extremely motivating. Thank you!

- Sue Newton 

I love the Q & As with industry experts!
 They are delightful in every way and have answered some questions that I did not even know I had! I am also grateful for the lessons that are reminding me of the most important elements of writing so that I can finesse my current manuscript and create a new ms! Thank you for all of this!

- Meagan Dekker 

There are so many opportunities for actual learning in this comprehensive, wonderful course: the Webinars, the weekly/daily homework with student feedback, the critique groups, and the amazing accessibility of the instructors (Q & A, Office hours, and Mira's Friday Zoom sessions). This is all done in such a friendly, creative environment with lovely Mira at the helm.

- Lori Aach 

I love the concept of "elevating" a story and the tools you've shown me to do just that.
 It's been wonderful for me to see how my own story has changed so much since the course began, thanks to comments by both my fellow students and the instructors and what I've learned through the materials you've provided.

- Madhu M 

I loved the interviews this week. The perspective about just keep writing and each thing you write will be better than the previous thing really resonated with me. I think sometimes I can get in my own head about each MS needs to come out as gold, when in reality, it just needs to come out. In revision and critique, it will improve in its own time.

- Trenise Ferreira 

Fantastic content, as always! Loved the discussion on plot, as well as the article on luscious language…. [Also] liked how the types of endings were broken down in a simple, understandable way. Really happy to be here!

- Maria Marianayagam - now multi-published. 

Joining this class has been one of the best things I’ve done! 
Mira is so generous with her time and works so hard to help everyone do as well as they possibly can. The advice [is]… invaluable and so informative. The one thing I wasn’t expecting was making connections with other writers who are also generous with their time and advice. I highly recommend this course to any aspiring picture book writers out there. One word: Brilliant! 

- Sue Newton 

It is so clear how much hard work goes into creating a course like this!
 I have collected so many invaluable resources that I will be able to use for years and years to come. Beyond grateful to the expert minds that are lending themselves to this remarkable program in service of fostering authors on our journeys to write beautiful, thoughtful, funny, and innovative children's books!

- ​Katie Knox 

This course is so comprehensive, every aspect of picture book writing and publishing is addressed, in live webinars, video interviews, lots of course material, links to helpful sites etc etc. It has been multiple courses in one, and the material is accessible for another 12 months. Mira and her wonderful team have been generous with their time, insightful and always encouraging. Thank you.

- Lee Sutton 

Even when you take the course a second time there is so much you can learn. Things are read differently, heard differently, and understood differently the second time. Thanks for providing such a supportive and comprehensive course. It's beyond valuable. 

Lori Williams

A big thank you, Mira! The content is so well-organized and valuable. 

- R.C. Chizhov 

Your explanations, definitions, and story examples have been a change-maker for me, Mira. I am feeling more confident, well getting there 😊, and just plain happy to be here! You are so special, and many thanks for sharing and supporting each one of us. Xo!

Laurie Grandmont 

WOW!!  I'm learning not only about writing picture books but also how to face my anxieties about putting myself out there. Thank you so much for your gentle nudges, kind heart, and passion for helping people, Mira!

Kirsten Tulsian 

The section on adding layers into picture books to help with marketing is extremely helpful. The list of 170 possible layers is something I will refer to again and again. Mira and team, the amount of helpful material in this course is mind-boggling. Thank you all for your hard work.

- Abby Gatenby 

[T]he materials were packed with so much useful information and structured in such a helpful way that it makes me feel like I was a blind person trying to navigate all this by myself previously. This sort of guided, structured approach, along with the tons of helpful references to books to check out, is exactly what I have been missing ❤️ Many thanks to Mira and team for this!

Jun Qi Tan 

This course is so filled with information, techniques, ideas, and inspiration that it’s easy to refer to while writing a story.  Mira’s intent to teach and inspire genuinely comes across and it is a pleasure to be in her course.  I’m so glad to be a part of this community and recommend it to anyone wanting to write kids’ books.

Diane Stewart

It is so helpful to take this course a second time. There is no way to take it all in the first go around. I love all these helpful resources, articles, and the supportive nature of the CBA staff and fellow writers! Thank you, MIRA, for lovingly pushing us towards publication!!

Cheryl Ann Silich 

CBA courses are unparalleled! Tremendous depth and scope of the course materials. The immersive, professional atmosphere. No course I have taken, and there have been many over the years, compares in the slightest. I'm so fortunate to have found CBA! 

Missy Pray 

It’s serendipitous that you are offering these lessons, especially the ones on writing about Jewish themes…. It’s so important for kids to see books about their and other religions normalized. We need more empathy and respect for all cultures in this world, now more than ever. Thank you, Mira!

Liz Lazar 

Thanks, Mira, for believing in my passion for writing dual language books with Cree and English. I write bilingual stories because I'm one of the last Woodland Cree great-great granddaughters to Chief Moostoos, who signed Treaty 8 in 1899. I found this section helped me with coming up with a way into writing about my passion. Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

Bev Taylor 

Thank you so much, Mira for including Hindu faith in this section- it feels good to know that there is an interest in our faith and culture, outside our community.  Faith, spirituality, mindfulness, being human and kind are all inter-connected and picture books are a great way for the kids to imbibe and understand seemingly complex concepts related to them. Much needed information and knowledge. Much appreciated.

Rachana Ramanan 

There's so much generosity here, both in terms of the amount of material and in terms of spirit. Your generous heart shines through everything, Mira!

Sharon Dalgleish 

Where was CBA those days that I was looking for a place to guide and nurture me in my writing? Glad I finally found a place who gives us hopes to realize our dreams through helpful and kind co-writers who are willing to help and of course, the fabulous Mira Reisberg, our fairy mentor who deserves every inch of gratitude from her students. I like that there are submission opportunities for our works. There are no words to express my gratitude and I will surely recommend this to others. Everyday is a blessing.
Alicia Minor 

I am in awe with all the material you have provided for this course. This is a great way to get the basics and yet it doesn't seem to matter what level we are at, everything applies to creating a great picture book. Thanks.

Susan Lynn-Rivera 

It's so amazing how you think you have a good first draft and then you work through the sections and make tweaks and before you know it, what you had before looks TERRIBLE compared to how it has developed. The slow process of getting better is made so much more enjoyable in this wonderful environment.

- Jen Jamieson 

Being in Mira’s courses brings together kid-lit creatives from around the globe; the vibe is warm, friendly, and respectful. Courses blend the business of publishing with the joy of creating. Mira is not only a children’s book whisperer, editor, and skilled art director, but a book shaman who knows how to bring out the magic in the manuscripts she reads, inspiring the writer or artist while pinpointing what needs work. - Sheila Lewis

Craft and Business of Illustrating Children's Books

I was on the mailing list for CBA for several years before I finally signed up for The Craft and Business of Illustrating Picture Books for Children… The lovely Mira, Andrea, Larissa as well as all of the “behind the scenes staff” were so incredibly supportive and encouraging. And the community of other illustrators from our class were so generous with their advice and helpful suggestions. Mira created this wonderful community to learn and grow in. If you are eager to learn and are willing to take a leap, I can tell you I don't have any regrets!

- Stacy Jaffe
I completed this class with much more confidence and understanding in my abilities....  I fully understand the process of illustrating a picture book for children and I actually got more than i expected out of the 6 weeks. The class was well put together and the teaching team did a great job! Mira does have a huge heart :). 

- Rita Wright
This class provided the practical tips, genuinely helpful feedback, and a support I needed to turn something that seemed like a pipe dream into a tangible project. [T]he course gave me a working sense of how books go from ideas to reality, and how illustrators work with agents and publishers in the real world….Well worth the investment.

- Nora Sawyer
Mira is magical! So is her whole crew who pool their talents and experiences together to give you the incredible online class, The Craft and Business of Illustrating Picture Books for Children. The class offers comprehensive lessons….and insights into the publishing process…. It's called a course, but with such a wealth of information, it feels much more like a compact degree. I am so glad I took this course, and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in illustrating picture books for children.

- Emily Bertholf
If you need a nudge to gain the knowledge and skills to assist you on your creative journey towards becoming a children's book illustrator, I highly recommend this…online course. I've learned so much in this action-packed series of live webinars, critiques, principles… and so much more.... I've also met a wonderful new creative family of fellow students who will remain friends. Thank you Mira and the Children's Book Academy for a cracker of a course!

- ​Lesley Smitheringale (already multi-published)
This was the perfect course for me. It helped me crystallize my ideals to illustrate for children's literature through weekly critiques of student work. It provided practical insights into publishing by the various interviews with professionals in the field. The teachers, guided by Mira Reisberg, were outstanding and always approachable. The community of students was an additional support. I feel I am now part of an inspired and, hopefully, inspiring group that aims to partake in the magic of storytelling.

- Terry Lim Diefenbach
I highly recommend the Craft and Business of Illustrating Children's Books by the Children's Book Academy. Learning about other illustrators and how they work and even what their studios look like, has been inspiring and energizing. It is a great course for anyone wanting to illustrate their own stories whether beginner or experienced. Seeing so many gifted artists who generously share their experience producing their works has been such a gift.  The community Mira has organized is caring and supportive. She has created an environment for learning and fast improvement.

- Mary Jane Muir
The CBA class on children's book illustration was well worth the investment. All the instructors are talented and knowledgeable professionals, who are generous with their time and skills. They are very supportive to all, and there's so much to learn, I took this class a second time. I would recommend this class to anyone interested in learning more about picture books.

- Frances Yansky
This is a great course! It's full of information and ideas to help you improve your picture book illustration skills. The instructors are encouraging and provide useful feedback. The sense of community was wonderful.

- Jacqueline Gutierrez 

Joining this course with Mira Reisberg and the wonderful teachers she has brought on board, is one of the best decisions I have made for my writing and illustrating career. What is so special and what sets this course apart are the powerful, live critiques which happen each week. Also, the content is second to none. And there is plenty of it. Most importantly, I learned what it means to be a children's book illustrator…. This course is a game changer.

- Anita Crawford Clark Now published.

​Imagine exploring frontiers you didn't know existed. Imagine being invited and coached to learn things beyond your wildest dream. If this sounds like something you want to experience, RUN do not WALK to sign up for the next picture book illustration course offered by the CBA. I also had a one-on-one critique with Mira that was incredibly helpful. Her approach to helping one think through changes is heartfelt and kind. Additionally, I have to add that the community taking the course is a joyful bonus of fellowship. Everyone helps anyone who asks for help, and quickly…. On a 1-10 scale, I give them a 10+. 
- Lynn McCracken

If you’re searching for a picture book illustration class, this is one not to miss! Regardless of where you are in your journey, there is so much to learn here. Lots of encouragement from all the instructors and classmates to push you forward with confidence.

Michele Ziemke
I highly recommend the Craft and Business of Illustrating Children's Books…. The organisation, communication and encouragement through the course is excellent, with every student receiving individual attention, small group guidance and full webinars with the whole cohort of students. The content…is extremely comprehensive….
Throughout the course Mira, Andrea and Larissa's generosity in sharing their knowledge and experience has been overwhelming.

Leanne White - multi-published
You will not find a more caring, nurturing, wonderful and knowledgeable group of instructors than at The Children’s Book Academy.  Dr. Mira Reisberg and the fantastic instructors and guest speakers are warm and welcoming. It is a safe, judgment-free zone overflowing with creativity. (And I’m pretty sure a bit of magic too!) we all need to keep learning and honing skills. Treat yourself to one of CBA’s courses  - you’ll be so glad you did.

- Connie Colon

​This is a great course for anybody who is trying to improve their craft in picture-booking and wants to do it in an encouraging, supportive community. Mira breaks down the many facets of the process into lessons that you can read or watch on your own time. All of the teachers and guests were knowledgeable and you could tell they love what they do. My technique and understanding have gone through the roof. I can see how many take this class more than once. I highly recommend this course to authors and illustrators alike. 

Ana Velez - Now published.
This has been a wonderful course! Even for someone with very little time. It has been just what I've needed to move forward with my first book! The critiques have been so helpful, and everyone is so genuinely kind and helpful! I highly recommend it!

Alesia Tibbetts
The CBA course was practical and complete. I have a much clearer picture of the publishing industry and what it takes to make a book. The positive community, eclectic array of students, myriad inspirations and supportive teachers… helped me nurture a unique style and develop a vision I don't think I would have had confidence doing before. This course brought me back to the real reasons I make art. I found it incredibly valuable! Thank you Mira, Andrea, Larissa and everyone else who makes these courses happen.

- Daniel Von der Ahe
This CBA course is wonderful for all who write and illustrate picture books.  Even the most experienced will find inspiration and amazing support. It is better than any course I took at RISD and that’s saying a lot. I found the presentations were so well done that even if it were a concept that I previously knew, I was inspired and challenged to grow. I loved the videos, samples of each lesson and the feedback. It is a wonderful community of creators…. So worth the cost and so worth the time devoted.

- Elizabeth A. Koscher

I have learned more content, more quickly than I could ever have hoped for when I signed up! If you’re wondering whether this course is for you, you only need to ask one question: do I want to illustrate children’s books? If the answer to that question is YES, then Mira and her amazing team will meet you where you are and guide you to where you need to be! I have no regrets in taking this course! - Emily Batterham

The Chapter Book Alchemist

The Children's Book Academy Chapter Book Course is phenomenal. Not only have I learned the tools for creating a compelling chapter book, but I've also gained knowledge about the industry and insight into illustrating. The content of the course is rich, the critique groups are supportive and the teachers are responsive and helpful. I wrote an entire chapter book in the first four weeks of the course and I couldn't be more thrilled!

 – Kirstine Call, author of over 5 picture books

The Chapter Book Alchemist was fantastic! I’m a dentist by profession and, as such, a newcomer to both the publishing industry’s writing and illustrating components. I’m in the process of writing and illustrating my first book and have started writing two others! I was so pleased with the knowledge, the professionalism, and the organized content of the course. “Thank you” isn’t quite enough to express my gratitude to Mira and Hillary for all their efforts to put together such a wonderful teaching experience.

– Dr. Helena DeLuca


– Jackie Wellington

The Chapter Book Alchemist class has been chock-full of useful information that will no doubt propel my work as a professional writer forward. But more than that, it’s given me a feeling that I’ve tapped into the right place, the right people, the right groove. It’s as if, at long last, I’ve found the golden key that unlocks the door to writing success. To experience such a generous source of support and knowledge in the field of children’s writing is truly a blessing.

– Linda Moore Kurth

Mastering Hybrids and Graphic Novels

Thanks so much for these fantastic lessons! this is so helpful! I love all the tools you gave us, in terms of character analysis, look, outfits, teenager's emotional development etc - it adds so much depth to the characters!

Celine Mai Nguyen 

A plethora of information! Thanks for putting so much into this course!

- Susan Lynn-Rivera 

I very much appreciate not shying away from the discussion on diversity and racism, both overt and subtle, within publishing and media in general.

- Tracy Park  

As someone who has mostly illustrated, I very much appreciate the interviews and sharing of scripts and submissions that are in the written form. I find that the creators and industry professionals you invite are incredibly generous, and Mira's questions bring out the best in them. Also as an illustrator, I highly appreciate all of this information about the visual side of things available for the writers we work with. This builds understanding and vocabulary so we have a common language when working together. Thank you so much! 

- Leanne Franson 

So grateful that Mira prompted me to peek into the world of Graphic Novels. Thanks to this course, GN is no longer a foreign genre to me but one I can confidently add to my writing toolbox. I am inspired by the instructors and fellow writers and in awe of the amazing artists that participated. Thank you to everyone for making it a fantastic course!

- Naja Lund Aparico

What can we say but WOW!! Mira, you've totally outdone yourself with this course! It's in-depth, informative and intense - totally crammed with GN goodness from start to finish…. This has been EPIC!!

- Chantelle & Burgen Thorne - now multi-published award-winning PB creators. Watch for their future GNs.

This is the fourth CBA course I have completed and every course has given me information about the world of children's books that I could not find anywhere else.  The Graphic Novel course has helped me focus on the genre of books I want to illustrate and write.  The support of Mira and the instructors with individualized comments as well as their detailed lessons has made this an incredible course.  Many thanks.

- Ruth Bowman 

Thank you for putting together such a thorough course on Graphic Novels. I love how this course was designed to meet the needs of students at many different experience levels and also with different time schedules/availability. The recorded zoom discussions were a blessing for me, because it allowed me to participate even when my work and home schedules conflicted. I found the hour long one-on-one incredibly helpful. Thank you for this wonderful course.

- Sarah Scheerger 

I wanted to thank Mira and her editor and agents participants. The time and experience that they give to the Children’s Book Academy are priceless gifts to its students, whether they are aspirants or professions…. All the materials and videos are chock full of information. I’m so glad we have a year to access it since I’ll be going back to it over and over! 

- Tracy Dockray - previously multi-published illustrator.

These worksheets are great--as a guide and organizer--a framework gift that I know will keep on giving. They provide the structure we'll need to flesh out our brainstorming ideas into a cohesive story. Thanks, Mira!

- Jude Mandell - previously published.

I found the archetypes handout to be thought-provoking. And your encouragement to really work on my characters was motivational. Thanks.

- Carol Baldwin

So many helpful details about plotting, specifically for GN, which generally follows what is happening in a non-graphic novel. I love learning how the GN plot is delivered with so many details within the graphics, such as within pacing/sizing between panels, the different perspectives covered, etc. Esp. enjoyed Aron's continued expertise sharing, and Lee Nordling as well. Thank you Mira!

- Kate Ross 

I wanted to say that I really, really appreciated the matter-of-fact, but still positive, uplifting approach taken here to diversity. I wish more people approached diversity in this way and it means a lot to me (queer POC) to see this in a course about writing stories. I hope folks take what you wrote and carry it forward. I also appreciated being able to read through your attached paper.

- Shannon Sheu 

Mira, your course has been a wonderful insight into the mysterious world of writing, and what a wonderful group!  Everything has gone so quickly and the support has been bar none. The most important things I've gained in this course? Knowledge, confidence, an opportunity to learn from some pretty amazing folks.❤️

- Yvette Elrod

I loved all the graphic novel recommendations, and especially appreciated the section on character archetypes & genre…. I also love Mira's spiral approach to teaching, because I know when I'm shaky on a concept we'll probably circle back around to it at some point (or I can always ask an instructor). Great content as always from CBA!

- Samantha San Miguel - Published author.

I love every course I've taken with Children's Book Academy. I've been focusing on picture books, and now I'm ready to dive into writing graphic novels… Thank you Mira for your dedication to recruiting such amazing co-teachers and guests. You're #1.

- Dana Marie Miroballi - Now published author

I have learned something new in every CBA course. Most importantly, each class gives me permission to focus on writing/illustrating when its hard to make time with the rest of life happening. This course covers SO MUCH! People like me who can't quite decide what age/style/genre fits best will certainly get to explore lots of options. I like that.

- Elena Stowell 

“Wow, so many helpful resources- I thought I had my characters figured out, but the worksheets have given me some ideas to add more depth! Thanks- it's all very helpful information and covers such a wide age range.” 

- Marzieh Abbas  - now multi-published PBs, CBs, and MGs

“I LOVE CBA!! They give such amazing templates and insight to help you really carve out your characters and the story. I really appreciate the mashup worksheet! It's amazing! Thank you, Mira!!!”

- Cheryl Chase

“‘Run it as a movie in your head’ is now the mantra to repeat to myself throughout this course. Excited to learn a new creative path.” 

- Krissy Massey 

This really guides me through the process but also allows me to explore and think of what's possible. I appreciate the worksheets and how everything is accessible to review as I work through the steps of brainstorming.

- Nadia Shaik 

This course is wonderful. I Iove everything about it.... I learned tons of valuable information, networked with talented creatives, and received professional mentoring through critiques. I especially appreciate CBA cultivating a positive, empowering environment - everyone was exceptionally kind. Thanks for everything!!🙂 - Lynne Valle 

I am just so grateful for how generous Mira, the guest teachers, and everyone helping in the academy are; with time, with ideas, with help, with CONTENT! Such kindness! - Jane Hanlon 

“The richness of the material made me feel like I was in a graduate level class - from the historical perspective, to the many recommended texts and worksheets.... So impressed and inspired. I'll never look at any book the same again!”

- Lisa Trank

This was very inspiring, great ideas on how to set up your ideas and build the architectural structure holding your illustrations together. I look forward to experiencing this class!

-  Sasha Ross Becker 

Each of these worksheets looks like a good resource/tool to stimulate my thinking. I've always enjoyed the adaptations of the old fairy tales (e.g., Rumpelstiltskin). This will be an interesting exercise to explore, heading to a YA ms I'm hoping to work on in this class. Thank you.

- Kate Ross

Thank you so much Mira! I had an absolute blast during this course, discovering, learning, getting to know everyone's story and delving into mine as I have never done before. Also a big shout-out to the team that has done a stellar job, and to this awesome community that has motivated me to give my best each week.... This was packed with industry related information and plotting/writing tips! I really enjoyed learning about possibilities offered for those with basic drawing skills.  

- Meriam Benhamza

Thank you so much for this course. It was so much fun working on and shaping my own story. Each of the exercises really helped me to get clarity on my characters and the type of story I want to tell. It’s been great seeing everyone's stories and I look forward to seeing them evolve and take form. I love graphic novels and I will continue to use all the available resources on this site. Thanks again

- Thomas Reddick

Picture Book Slipper Camp

I loved Picture Book Slipper Camp. I met some wonderful critique partners, learned a lot from the amazing instructors, and bettered my picture book manuscript with all the critique. It is almost like hiring 4 editors to look at your work, and the closeness of the small class, and my listening of other revisions truly helped me in learning more about picture books! Def signing up for the next one ❤️  Shifa Safadi - Now multi-published

Thank you, Mira, Charlotte, Clarissa, and my critique group! I'm so grateful to have made new connections within the KidLit community and feel great about revisions for my project. I've already received an R&R from an Agent for this story directly driven by CBA Slipper Camp suggestions. Thank you, everyone! And from Christine’s website, “The level of one-on-one attention in these courses is simply phenomenal. You can interact with other kidlit creators, instructors, and Industry professionals. As a text-only picture book author, taking an illustration course has been fantastic for me to think more visually as I write my picture books.

Christine Alemshah - now published.

CBA Slipper Camp is a fun and fabulous place to become a better KidLit writer. Mira brings the best editors, agents, authors of the profession to interact with writers on a personal level. Connecting with other writers who are on the same learning journey has been so rewarding. Everyone is kind and specific with helpful feedback. Thank you to everyone. I always look forward to Mira's CBA courses.

- Virginia House Bergquist 

PB Slipper Camp was a wonderful experience! Having 2 Online Retreat Days was an invaluable experience that helped me grow exponentially as a writer. Mira spends a lot of time with each manuscript and provides direct, helpful feedback to help you improve your work to be the best it can be and more marketable. She also brings in the most helpful and friendly agents and editors. I love that we get to keep our critique groups.

- Dainty Nix 

Mira and her co-instructors are awesome. Very pleasant and caring. I love the fact that we get to break out in groups and critique each other’s manuscript.  This helps to take you on your pathway to editing your script.  You also get a personal critique from Mira and the co-instructors.

- Jenna Johnson 

Picture Book Slipper Camp is not only fun, it’s a fabulous learning opportunity! With her wealth of information, years of experience, and a giving heart, Mira creates a supportive environment where writers make connections, hone their craft, and get invaluable critiques from both Mira and professional co-teachers. Mira brings in some of the best in the industry, and she brings out the best in her students.

- Betsy Devany

Picture Book Slipper Camp gives you a close 1:1 feel with editor and agent feedback. It's been such a great help getting such direct, helpful critiques on my work and the class is small enough that you don't feel lost in the crowd. So worth it!

- Sarah Gowayed - now published.

Slipper camp was great. I was able to polish a story that helped me land my agent. I thought my critique partners were awesome, and the instructor critiques were quite helpful.

Dana Marie Miroballi - now published with more on the way.

The Hero's Art Journey

Due to life circumstances, I've been in what I'll refer to as "character building mode" for the past 5 years. But I'm back! Current focus is rebuilding my portfolio and now I think I've got some new tools that are helping me to pick up the pieces and find myself again. Life is good! Mira, thank you. You are appreciated!

 – Kary

The course has been a wonderful mix of 'everything'. Life happens and art happens, and this class is a wonderful catalyst for making art happen while life goes on its busy-body little way.

 –  Kirsten, Illustrator

There is so much material, including demos and interviews. I consider this course a “must have” experience. Most of all, it is highly affordable, and very convenient. The videos are very well done. The material is well organized and presented at just the right pace. I am very thankful to have found Mira because her gifts of instruction have helped me immensely.

– David Le Roy

Editing and Consultation Testimonials

Dr. Mira works with people at all levels from professional authors and illustrators who need help finessing and completing their stories or art to folks with an idea but no map or concept of how to write their story. She particularly enjoys working with people who need help editing their stories for brevity, consistency, better language choices, greater marketability, curriculum connections, age appropriateness, etc.

​"Perhaps Mira Reisberg’s greatest gift is her spectacular intuition, and the ability to help distill a persons unique voice into stories and art. Mira does this with flair and passion, while staying grounded in expertise and knowledge. Mira truly is a picture book whisperer, and a marvelous resource for shaping, revising and editing anyone's work. I highly recommend her services." ~ Marie Olofsdotter - now multi-published.

"Editing with Mira is not the fearsome experience one expects. Somehow Mira is able to chop the word count in half (almost) and it feels like a jolly good conversation. The unnecessary words float off and are forgotten like soap bubbles." ~ Kristin Abbott

"Mira has a gift for taking a very rough idea and helping people finesse that idea into a more detailed story map. During my picture book writing consultation with Mira, we brainstormed, looked at examples of picture books involving similar content to my idea, collaborated on mapping the plot structure, and compiled a list of possible publishers. It was an incredibly productive session, and yet the time flew by, because Mira has a way of guiding people into a creative mental space, where time is timeless and the ideas flow freely. Mira is a gifted writer, illustrator, and teacher, and I would definitely meet with her again for a picture book consultation." Gayle Pittman, PhD - prior to the Academy - now multi published award-winner.

And Lastly Some Misc :)

If you were still at NIU, I'd take anything you taught!!! I learned so much in your class...the way you guided the class discussions...I always walked out of there with a head full of new ideas and possibilities!

- Ann Pasteur

Inspirational and informative! Dr. Mira Reisberg's class will teach you how to write with an illustrator's perspective ~ a must do for anyone compelled to write children's picture books. 

Michele Ellington

In your quiet voice, you have gotten us to move out of our lazy, procrastinating or denial stages to create. Yes, we do have a fun group, and you are definitely, a great *coach* for beginner writers such as me. You make us move whether we like it or not. Mira is full of knowledge because of her previous writing/art experiences. Thank you for sharing them with us. You are a *natural* teaching adults. You empower us to fly, Coach Mira! I love it, I love it! Thank you ever so much! 

- Sandie Sing before the Academy.

Mira provided logical rationale for suggested changes, based on her extensive experience as well as her own innate knack for storytelling, both in words and in pictures. To learn about the writing process is one thing; to experience it is entirely another, and Mira coached me through it in a firm but compassionate way.  Although each of us participating in the class is at different stages in the development of our work, Mira has been able to address our individual needs while moving us ahead with constant encouragement. I am so glad I took this class. Not only will I have a mock up ready to submit to publishers, but I will actually come out of this having had a transformative experience.  I am learning to be more open to change while knowing that nothing is a waste—it’s all a learning experience, and perhaps something that can be used at a later time, in another project. 

- Omonivie Okhade before the Academy.

I have always wanted to write a children’s picture book. So when Mira’s class of Writing, Illustrating and Publishing a Children’s Picture Book became available I immediately signed up. This was exactly what I needed to start and finish my children’s book. I have learned the process of writing and how revisions and critiques help your book become better than what you imagined.  Mira has been a great inspiration and has allowed openness and vulnerability in her class. Her honest approach and caring of each of her students is encouraging.  She brings knowledge and experience to her class that is invaluable.  This has been a wonderful class that has taught me valuable skills I will continue in the future.  I now have a finished picture book that I feel confident in submitting to a publisher!

- Carrie Thebo-Frost

I was looking for a workshop that would take my picture book illustrations to the next level. Mira Reisberg's workshop fit the bill perfectly. She shared her expertise in a fun way and knew just how to present challenges to each student to promote growth in their work. It was well worth the 200 miles I drove round trip every week to take it! 

- Kristen Schwartz from before the Academy.

Recently, I participated in Mira Reisberg’s Writing and Illustrating Children’s Book class in Sacramento. I was immediately impressed with Mira’s warmth and her genuine interest in each class members’ background and history. I loved her passion for children’s books, art and writing, which was infectious. I was especially impressed with her ability to truly “listen” then offer just the right amount of insight backed up by her many years in the field. Mira has the ability to take each person’s skills, whether as beginners, intermediates or advanced to the next level, bringing out the very best in each writer or illustrator. Her classes included discussion of all children’s book genres, including publishing tips, then onto writing, then editing, editing, editing until the work was just right.... Because of her many years in the field, she is tremendously qualified to teach others. But more than that, her truly warm and friendly personality makes knowing Mira a true privilege.

- Diane Perruzzi from before the Academy

When I decided to re-embark on my life-long dream of becoming a children’s book author, I immediately encountered the same old problems – Lack of industry knowledge, a manuscript that needed to reach the next level, and no idea how to move forward. Upon the advice of a friend, I checked the local SCBWI website and found Dr. Mira Reisberg’s class:  Illustrating, Writing, and Publishing Children’s Picture Books.  It was like a gift from heaven!  I had taken classes in the past, but Dr. Reisberg’s class was different... she knows what she is talking about!...  I have gone from clueless inertia to a complete package ready for submission.  Not only did Mira take my manuscript to the next level, she suggested a publishing house, gave me strategic advice, and helped me craft the dreaded cover letter.  With her gentle wit and generous spirit, Mira has become more than a teacher to me…. If you are serious about improving your craft and eager to make fast progress, I highly recommend any class by Dr. Mira Reisberg.

- Jeanette Banicki