Never Give Up!

By Mira Reisberg
By Sharon Giltrow
Why do writer’s write?

To create, to share experiences, to have an impact, to achieve a goal, to overcome, to connect, to rest and be.
Why do you write?

For me it is to create, connect and because I have an underlying drive to write.
To do something amazing, such as writing, there needs to be that insatiable drive to keep going, to never give up. Especially when there are so many obstacles to overcome, the blank page, rejections, ourselves and don’t forget the ever-present imposter syndrome.
One of the keys to becoming a published author or illustrator is perseverance. As authors we can even write about perseverance. Author and Illustrator James Foley did that in his latest book STELLARPHANT. A story about an elephant who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who never gave up.

Written and illustrated by: James Foley
Published by: Fremantle Press,  2nd November 2021 – Australia
Kane Miller 1st January 2022 - US
Heroes come in all shapes, sizes and species. Stella wants to be an astronaut. There is only one problem: Stella is an elephant. Every time she applies to Space Command, they come up with a new reason she can’t join. But where there’s a will, there’s a way and Stella is determined to reach for the stars. Does she have the right stuff?

James shares two of his favourite spreads from his award winning book STELLARPHANT.


J- Stella the elephant facing the board of managers at Space Command. She had done everything she's been asked to do, but they still won't let her become an astronaut. She is the literal elephant in the room.

Sh- I love how this illustration shows us exactly who Stella is up against. The obstacles she has to overcome to achieve her dream.

J- Stella and her all-animal crew going into space. This was the first image from the book that I could see in my head when I first imagined the story. It's a serene, silent page and the climax of the book.

Sh- I love this image because it shows all of the other animals that helped Stella to achieve her goal. Look how happy they all are and at the same time they achieved something amazing for themselves. It reminds me as a writer to surround myself with people who support me and who I can support.
Next time you come up against an obstacle as a writer, remember Stella. If she can achieve her goal, then with perseverance you can to.
Never give up!
See you in November with another great Aussie book.
Remember share a laugh, and connect with someone today.
Sharon Giltrow grew up in South Australia, the youngest of eight children, surrounded by pet sheep and fields of barley. She now lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband, two children and a tiny dog. Sharon has taught for all of her career. Previously a teacher of children who are hearing impaired and Deaf-Blind, she now teaches young children with Developmental Language Disorder. Her humorous debut PB, BEDTIME DADDY! released May 2020 - EK books. Sharon’s humorous follow up PB, GET READY, MAMA! released in April, 2022 - EK Books. Her third and fourth PB, LET’S GO SHOPPING, GRANDMA! And LET’S GO TO THE BEACH, GRANDPA! are due to be released in 2022 and 2023 - Dixi Books. SAMARA RUBIN AND THE UTILITY BELT, book one in Sharon’s early MG series – THE UTILITY BELT, will be released in 2023 - Clear Fork Publishing.  With book two TOBY KING AND THE UTILITY BELT to follow.



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