It's All About - New Year Writing Intentions

By Mira Reisberg
By Melissa Stoller 

Cheers to January 2021. On January 1, I opened a new journal and took out a fresh pen. I jotted down several writing intentions for the New Year. I indulge in this exercise every year as I set the mission statement for my writing life. Here are a few prompts to hopefully spark some thoughts about setting your own January goals:
Write your observations, questions, ideas, bits of dialogue, doodles, and more, either in a notebook or on your phone or computer. Try to find and capture several new story ideas today, this week, and this month.
  1. Pick a few manuscripts that you will revise over the next few months. They can be new or old. View them with fresh eyes, and don’t be afraid to completely revision the stories if necessary.
  2. Resolve to read three new kidlit titles each week this month. Study the books and note what works and what doesn’t work. Think about how these mentor texts can inform your writing.
  3. Perhaps try writing in a different genre – if you usually write fiction, try researching for a non-fiction story. Or perhaps if you usually write picture books, try writing a chapter book or middle grade novel!
  4. If you are ready to submit to agents and editors, make it a goal this month.
  5. Spend time with your critique partners – renew your commitments and double down on your critiques. Or create a group to work with and enrich your writing life. 
  6. If you are marketing a book, find new ways to get your message out there. Review your social media, and think outside the box in terms of publicity methods, virtual school visits, other speaking engagements, guest posts on kidlit blogs, and more.
Let’s all make the most of the start to a new year! Cheers to creativity and to continued writing success in 2021! 

Melissa Stoller is the author of the chapter book series The Enchanted Snow Globe Collection - Return to Coney Island (Clear Fork Publishing, 2017); and the picture books Scarlet’s Magic Paintbrush, Ready, Set, GOrilla!, and Sadie’s Shabbat Stories. (Clear Fork, 2018 and 2020). Melissa is a Blogger and Course Assistant for the Children’s Book Academy, a Regional Ambassador for The Chapter Book Challenge, a Moderator for the Debut Picture Book Study Group, a volunteer with SCBWI/MetroNY, and a founding member of The Book Meshuggenahs. In other chapters of her life, Melissa has worked as a lawyer, legal writing instructor, freelance writer and editor, and early childhood educator. She lives in New York City with her family, and enjoys theatre, museums, and long beach walks.



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