It's All About - Music As A Writing Prompt

By Mira Reisberg
By Melissa Stoller 
I have always been fascinated by how music can spark memory. Taking that further, music can provoke memories that can inspire story ideas. Try these steps to help generate some drafts this month:

  1. Write down the names of three favorite songs from childhood.
  2. Jot down the titles of three songs you currently love. 
  3. Brainstorm songs that were special to you from three different periods in your life – perhaps a wedding song, a song you remember from prom, a song from a beloved TV show or movie, a song connected to summer fun at the beach or winter snowball contests, or a song tied to a special person in your life.
  4. If possible, play some of this music. 
  5. Describe in writing what makes these songs special – how does the music make you feel, what are the lyrics bringing forth, why does the song speak to you. Think about the memories from the songs listed above. What do they say to you now?
  6. Finally, do the music, lyrics, song titles, or associated memories help you generate story ideas – read what you wrote in response to the prompts above. Do you notice any patterns? Does anything leap out to you? Perhaps there are some ideas ready to be discovered that will become your next manuscripts. 
Enjoy using music, songs, lyrics, and memories to help uncover ideas that may be waiting for you! Let me know in the comments what you find! Cheers to creativity! 
Melissa Stoller is the author of the chapter book series The Enchanted Snow Globe Collection - Return to Coney Island (Clear Fork Publishing); and the picture books Scarlet’s Magic PaintbrushReady, Set, GOrilla!, and Sadie’s Shabbat Stories. (Clear Fork). Melissa is a Blogger and Course Assistant for the Children’s Book Academy, a Regional Ambassador for The Chapter Book Challenge, a volunteer with SCBWI/MetroNY, and a founding member of The Book Meshuggenahs. In other chapters of her life, Melissa has worked as a lawyer, legal writing instructor, freelance writer and editor, and early childhood educator. She lives in New York City with her family, and enjoys theatre, museums, and long beach walks.




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