Would you like a FREE mini-course from the Children's Book Academy?

Por Mira Reisberg
So sorry that this is little late. Also because I've been working so ridiculously hard on the fabulous Hillary Homzie's and my upcoming webinar that really is like a free mini-course, I didn't have time to do my usual  Mondays with Mira. Instead, I want to share a bit about what we'll be doing in the webinar, which is the little webinar that grew and grew, and got better and better. It's called 7 Things Every Writer Must Know To Succeed (No matter what your genre) because we provide examples for all different ages and include both fiction and non fiction.

We'll be sharing about the creative, structural, and practical aspects of writing, as well as how to position yourself to maximize your chances of publication. It really is a treat and it's FREE!!!!

We want to share our love for kidlit and kidlit people with lots of incredibly useful information, resources, and prizes this coming Saturday the 25th at 11AM Pacific/2PM Eastern. And don't worry it will be recorded if you can't make it live.

We truly hope that you can join us.
Sending gobs of goodness and love,
Mira and Hillary

Besides being a master teacher, Hilllary Homzie is the author of the middle grade novel, THE HOT LIST (Simon & Schuster/M!X) which Booklist says “captures the angst of young teen friendships and fragile identities.” She’s also the author of the middle grade novel, THINGS ARE GONNA GET UGLY (Simon & Schuster/M!X), a Justice Book-of-the-Month, which was just optioned by Priority Pictures, and the QUEEN OF LIKES (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin M!X, April 2016) as well as the humorous chapter book series, ALIEN CLONES FROM OUTER SPACE (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin), a Children's Book-of-the-Month Best Books for Children among other children's books. Besides teaching at the Children's Book Academy, Hillary is a visiting professor of children’s literature and writing at Hollins University.

Dr. Mira Reisberg is a best-selling children's book creative, a former university professor who taught children's literature courses, a former children's literary agent, an editor and art director, and the Director of the Children's Book Academy. She loves teaching, mentoring, and helping her students publish wonderful books. So far her former students have won just about every award except the Coretta Scott King award and their books have sold millions of copies.

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