The World is Changed By Your Example, Not By Your Opinion.

Por Mira Reisberg
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.
In a time when our Facebook feeds are filled with opinions about politics it’s nice to be reminded of this. And it’s so true. We can spout our opinions all day and it may make us feel good to do so, but telling our opinion DOES NOT change someone else’s.

​What causes us to change our minds about something? Seeing the way someone else acts or responds in a given situation. 
This idea not only works when discussing politics, but also religion. Think how many people may be turned away by someone telling their opinion about the way you should act. But rather someone may be inspired to see the world differently by a simple act of kindness.
It works in parenting too. You can “tell” your child all day that you want him to read so he can be a better reader. But children that see adults setting the example and being a reader are more likely to become a reader too.
In teaching, I can mark with a red pen all over a student’s paper and tell him my opinion of his writing. “Sloppy!” “No emotion.” “Incorrect grammar!” “Idea not developed enough.” “Need more elaboration.”

But telling him my opinion makes no difference. Instead if I were to show him an example of what I mean and model good writing for him, it will have a greater impact on his writing.

In writing, we develop our character’s traits by showing the way they respond or act to different situations. The example you set (good or bad) and the actions you take in life are what show your true character. When you want to develop a believable character you show this through his example or actions.
In writing, in real life, on Facebook, when parenting, or when teaching, talk is cheap. It’s your actions that will change (or form) people’s opinions. 

Disclaimer: I realize this is just my opinion of this and by me telling you that the world is changed by example, I don't expect your opinion to change if you disagree.  But hopefully some of the examples I provided above may help you see my point of view.   :)

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