T0P Ten Ways to Make a Kid HATE WRITING

Por Mira Reisberg

10. Never Let Them Choose What They Want to Write About – It probably isn’t educational or worth reading if they choose it. Plus you can find 100 cute writing prompts on Pinterest for them.

9. Always make sure everything is spelled correctly and their handwriting is formed perfectly- Even for brainstorming, because you are taking a grade on it.
8. Never let them spend too much time on brainstorming. If they aren’t writing as soon as you give them the prompt they are surely just daydreaming and wasting time.

7. Never let them talk during writing time. (Even if they say it’s about their writing.) If they are discussing their writing with others that’s considered cheating!

6. Never let them look in a book to copy how an author wrote something. They are just being lazy and again… CHEATING!

5. Never give them actual time to write, just assign it and expect them to turn it in tomorrow.

4. Never show them how to write. Just assign it. There isn’t time to show them anything since grammar worksheets take up your entire writing block.

3. Always use a red pen or red sharpie when correcting their papers. And make sure you tell them EVERYTHING that is wrong with their paper. How else are they going to learn if you don’t tell them?

2. Always make sure they follow the writing process: brainstorm, first draft, second draft, final copy. (This guarantees they have recopied it at least three times plus they don't know the difference between revise and edit and there isn't time to show them.)

1. Always give them an exact word or page count of exactly how long their writing should be. If you don’t they will most likely try to write you a poem to avoid doing any real writing. 

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