Mondays with Mira - the 4 main types of picture books and 2 delightful books from Little Bee Books

Por Mira Reisberg
Hullo, welcome to Mondays with Mira. Today I'd like to share about how there are four main types of picture books and give examples with 2 concept books that I love. Let's start with the 4 types:

1. Plot-driven books where there's usually a main character, AKA the protagonist, who goes on an adventure to either solve a problem or find her heart's desire.

2. A character-driven story that may have a plot but is more about the emotional changes and development the character or characters undergo.

3. Nonfiction, which can have a plot, especially with a biography, but is usually more about the factual information that is being creatively communicated.

4. And concept books that focus on a concept like days of the week, counting, the alphabet, colors etc. Some concept books like Yuyi Morales's Just a Minute (a counting book) also have a plot, which makes it more fun.

Below are two lovely concept books from one of my favorite publishers, Little Bee Books. I noticed that I used the word "delightful" with both even though they are very different because they are both really delightful in different ways. And even though one of the books deals with a difficult subject, it does so with a lot of joy as it explores this little known fact of resistance. I also said something like, "slavery should never happen again" and realized that perhaps I should have noted that slavery is still very much a reality including in the USA (it just isn't legal here anymore). Oh well, that's what happens when you speak without a script.

Finally each of these videos is only 3 minutes long, so do take a peek and if you like this post, please share it and leave us a comment :)
I hope you liked these books as much as I do. Please let us know what you think.

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