1. Plot-driven books where there's usually a main character, AKA the protagonist, who goes on an adventure to either solve a problem or find her heart's desire.
2. A character-driven story that may have a plot but is more about the emotional changes and development the character or characters undergo.
3. Nonfiction, which can have a plot, especially with a biography, but is usually more about the factual information that is being creatively communicated.
4. And concept books that focus on a concept like days of the week, counting, the alphabet, colors etc. Some concept books like Yuyi Morales's Just a Minute (a counting book) also have a plot, which makes it more fun.
Below are two lovely concept books from one of my favorite publishers, Little Bee Books. I noticed that I used the word "delightful" with both even though they are very different because they are both really delightful in different ways. And even though one of the books deals with a difficult subject, it does so with a lot of joy as it explores this little known fact of resistance. I also said something like, "slavery should never happen again" and realized that perhaps I should have noted that slavery is still very much a reality including in the USA (it just isn't legal here anymore). Oh well, that's what happens when you speak without a script.
Finally each of these videos is only 3 minutes long, so do take a peek and if you like this post, please share it and leave us a comment :)