Just about all good stories have some kind of underlying theme or truth that taps into children''s universal experiences. In this case the main universal theme is:
Friendship complete with it's ups and downs
There's also:
Dealing with conflict
The pleasures of decoding language, and
Crossing boundaries.
For those of you who are writing kid's books, see if you can unearth what your underlying themes are, it will help you stay on track as to what your story is really about so you can amplify those themes and edit out what doesn't help that story move forward.
And now for my review of this truly delightful book.
Best Frints in the Whole Universe by Antoinette Portis is a fabulously humorous book that best friends of any age will enjoy. Best frints Yelfred and Omek know how best friendship works on planet Boborp (not like here on planet Earth), and they’re going to tell you all about it.
One of the wonderful things about this book is the language—Antoinette fearlessly makes up her own words, which are similar enough to English for the reader to have fun guessing what they mean (can you guess what a spossip is?), which only adds to the hilarity of Yelfred and Omek’s frintship showcasing pointed parallels between Earth and Boborp relationships.
Antoinette demonstrates her expert knowledge of frintship with this cleverly engaging book, and it’s safe to say that all of use can use a trip to Boborp to remind us of the trials of our own best friendships (right here on planet Earth!). This book is a great example of how to creatively engage with one of the core universal themes in children's lives and literature - friendship.