As creatives, we come up with many story ideas. Ultimately, one speaks louder than the rest and is selected to place our time and energy into.
So, what does this have to do with Finding Your Mud Bath? A mud bath represents your end goal, the reward you strive towards.
Writer’s block, lack of tension, a quiet voice, or umpteen other pitfalls can stand between you and the story you want to write.
Even though Obi faces numerous failed attempts at finding his mud bath, he stays positive and persists with the help of the friends he meets.
Writers need this mindset and support as well. It can be difficult to stay positive when constructive feedback and rejections are par for the course. Think of it this way - deciding to stick with it and edit your story yet another time puts the power back in your hands.
Both Obi and I found our own mud baths with the power of positivity and perseverance.
Don’t stop,
Don’t give up,
Decide you can - reach your mud bath!
My mud bath was to become a published children’s author. What is yours?
I will be offering a signed copy to a lucky winner that comments on the piece (or also follows me on Twitter or leaves their email on my website)!
Annette Schottenfeld is passionate about writing for children, hip-hop dance, and environmental issues, believing all have the power to change lives. She is also the author of Not So Fast, Max: A Rosh Hashanah Visit with Grandma. Annette lives in New York with her husband and two grown children.
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